Saturday, April 3, 2010


Tombola-Free item or BP.
Advent Calendar-Gives out gifts each day on December.
Christmas Tree-Chance of a free Cracker.
The Open Graves-Chance of free MP.
Guess the Weight-Correct guess gets you some MP & a free item.
Healing Bubble Pit-Heals you pets.
Gingerbread House-Free food for the poor.
The Pot of Gold-See if anyones donated any free items.
Operation Portal-Might change your pets color, speicies or stats.

Pay to win
Gumball Machine-Might get a rare gumball.
Plushie Machine-Chance you'll pick up a plushie.
Raffle-Buy a ticket or 2...or 100!
The Maradan Lottery-Win lots of MP!....maybe
Keno-Think you'll win big? Or lose big?
Dukka Town Slot Machine-Think you'll win a Dukka Coin?
Enpiah Slot Machine-Requires RP to play.
Newth Racing-Take a chance, place a bet!
Murfin Madness-Take a ride, might get sick, might get happy!
Fasoro Falls-Might change the color of your Minipet.

Tarquin's Libary
Blitzen's Grotto
Ublish's Lair
Computer Repair
Gigantic Farm
The Haunted House

Candy Tree